jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Jack Reacher

The last movie i saw was Jack Reacher. I saw it yesterday in my room. 

The movie starts when a man  kills five random people with an sniper. The police catch a man who is the main suspect  of the murders, but they don't know that he is innocent.  Detective in charge of the investigation interrogates this guy, but he doesn't want to talk, he just writtes to Jack Reacher in a papper. Jack is a retired militar who can prove that the suspect is innocent. So when Jack starts to investigate deeper he discovers that  people were killed for a misterious reason. 

Tom Cruise is Jack Reacher, Robert Duvall is an old marine who helps Jack to defeat the bad guys and Rosamund Pike is a sexy lawyer who helps Reacher too.

It's a very interesting movie, with a little bit of suspense, has great fight scenes, but the end is predictable.

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