miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

English Challenges

I think that english is easy to learn for me, but I don’t practice too much to be honest.  I always try to increase my vocabulary, researching when I don’t know the meaning of a word or phrase.  To practice my hearing I always try to watch videos in YouTube without subtitles and I like listening music in english, I think that this helps a lot. 

Sometimes when I’m walking  I like to challenge myself thinking things in English and making phrases on my mind, I find that really easy , but when I must speak, especially  in public, I have some problems. The first reason of that is that I get a little bit nervous, and the main reason is because I never practice my speaking. I need practice a lot speaking, I know it.  To improve that I want to travel to some English speaker country, in the future. I think that there I’ll have a real and direct experience with the language. I would like to travel to England to learn, because I like how they speak and their pronunciation is better that the American one, at least for me. 

At the beginning that experience could be hard for me, but if I am surrounded by English all day I will be in the obligation to learn. Meanwhile I’m here I just want to practice at home, but if need a higher accreditation of my level of English I must take a course. 

English is a very useful tool in every sense, from work related things until entertaining stuff. I use a lot when I want to watch reviews on YouTube of cameras and technology related with filmmaking.  The good reviews are made by people who speak in English, so it’s my only option. I want to learn more English because it’s very helpful to get a good job and is always better have more knowledge.

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