miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Personal Fears

Some people fears to spiders, darkness, evil clowns, dentists, a lot of things that I can understand, but what do I fear?. It was a little bit difficult for me to answer this question, I don’t know why. I’m not the bravest man on earth (everyone knows it, I guess) but I´m not afraid  of external things. After of digging deep down in my mind I realize that my biggest fear is fail to myself. What do I mean with fail to myself?  Well I have a lot of dreams about future, things that I want to do, places that I want to visit, goals that I want to reach and sometimes I feel insecure if I will be capable of  accomplish all this things. 

To avoid that feeling I try to live every day being responsible with the things that I believe and I like to do. Being honest with myself and if I make a mistake try to figure out that and apologize. Also I want to learn a lot of things; I think that is one purpose of existence, because knowledge is useful, it’s a good way to spend the time.  When I  make this things, I feel that the fears go away.

I want to do all the things that my capacity allows me to do, but if I don’t do the things that satisfies me I’m going to be frustrated with myself .  Finally at some point in my life I want to look back and say: "I did what I wanted, I  feel good for that", then I will have no more fears.

miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

English Challenges

I think that english is easy to learn for me, but I don’t practice too much to be honest.  I always try to increase my vocabulary, researching when I don’t know the meaning of a word or phrase.  To practice my hearing I always try to watch videos in YouTube without subtitles and I like listening music in english, I think that this helps a lot. 

Sometimes when I’m walking  I like to challenge myself thinking things in English and making phrases on my mind, I find that really easy , but when I must speak, especially  in public, I have some problems. The first reason of that is that I get a little bit nervous, and the main reason is because I never practice my speaking. I need practice a lot speaking, I know it.  To improve that I want to travel to some English speaker country, in the future. I think that there I’ll have a real and direct experience with the language. I would like to travel to England to learn, because I like how they speak and their pronunciation is better that the American one, at least for me. 

At the beginning that experience could be hard for me, but if I am surrounded by English all day I will be in the obligation to learn. Meanwhile I’m here I just want to practice at home, but if need a higher accreditation of my level of English I must take a course. 

English is a very useful tool in every sense, from work related things until entertaining stuff. I use a lot when I want to watch reviews on YouTube of cameras and technology related with filmmaking.  The good reviews are made by people who speak in English, so it’s my only option. I want to learn more English because it’s very helpful to get a good job and is always better have more knowledge.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Year 2014: Good & Bad Things

This year started good for me, why? Because summer. Is there something better than summer? I guess no. The best thing is don’t go to classes. Sometimes I could sleep all day. Without classes I feel free to do what I want.  The weather is warm, Santiago is almost empty and everything is good in summer. Also this summer I travelled a lot and meet a few nice people. But nothing is forever.

Then comes March and the good things disappear magically. People is back in Santiago, suddenly every street is fill with little children with uniforms, the evenings are shorter, the weather changes, it’s a little bit colder. But the most terrifying thing this year was back to university, I mean I like to be with my partners, share with them and learn new stuff, but waking up early everyday and do a lot of work for the different subjects … it’s difficult take that rhythm of life again. 

I had a problem with a subject this semester; I was in the red line. The first mark was kind of low and I though “damn I must give exam to pass”. This situation changed today when I received the second mark, it was good, better than my expectations. Also the teacher said that I will be free of exam, to be honest that makes my day.

In summary I'm doing well this year and I hope it´s keeps the same or better.  This semester is about to end and comes a little break to rest a little bit.