sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

My Dream Job? It´s complicated

Answer the question “what is you dream job?” it’s a little bit complicated for me. As  the years go passing by I have changed my preferences many times. I think that the perfect job for me depends of what is in my mind, at the moment.

It’s true, I’m studying journalism, but I don’t want to be a reporter who works in a newspaper and write all day long, I don´t like writing so much. A few years ago I wanted to be musician, guitar player, to be specific, but I changed my mind. I still like playing guitar, but not so much recently.

…And what is in my mind now? Well about a year ago I started taking photos, and I liked it, it was like  discover a whole new world to me. Then I started to research about making videos with my DSLR camera and I like it too. Now I have a project with a couple of friends, mount a video producer company.

So for now I want to work making videos, maybe doing movies, telling stories to people, who knows, maybe it works.

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