miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

I love pizza

Choose just one kind of food it’s not easy to do. There are a lot of different dishes in the gastronomic world, but if I must pick one I would say pizza is my favourite.

I like it because it’s very easy to prepare, taste good and you can share it with your friends in many situations, like a party, after work, etc. Also it’s easy to store, just cover it with a plastic foil, put it in the refrigerator and you have pizza for many days.

There are different recipes to prepare pizza, but I prefer the Italian one. Now I going to tell you how I prepare pizza. First thing is buying the ingredients, you´ll need the dough, cheese, tomatoes, tomato sauce, ham, and olives. Then you must cover the dough with the tomato sauce; apply the slices of ham, and over the ham put the cheese. After that cut the tomato and put it on the ham. You can add olives as a final touch.

Put the pizza into the oven and wait about twenty minutes. Now you can enjoy a wonderful pizza.

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