miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

The Answer

It’s not easy to pick just one favourite song; I guess that the election depends of how you feel that day. Well today I choose The Answer by Richie Sambora. It´s an acoustic guitar ballad in A major and it was published in 1991. It´s part of the album Stranger in This Town.

So, why I like this song?  I like a lot the melody of the song, as a non-native english speaker, it was the first thing that I put attention.  “The Answer” starts with an arpeggio progression in A major and at the last verse it changes to B major.

When I read the lyrics I tried to figure out what was the meaning of the song. On an interview Sambora said that he wrote that song when he was about sixteen, but he could finish it many years after.
The song contains something that every person does in some point of life; try to get answers for the meaning of the existence and what is the purpose of the life. At the end the lyrics explain that life is not about  making questions, life is enjoy every single moment as the last one.

Bird's eye view: Six beautiful destinations filmed using drones

Original article

The latest innovations on Drones (unmanned flying machines), put this product on the commercial market, and now it’s available for professional filmmakers and “indie” filmmakers. In the past this type of technology was restricted for military purposes. 
The main advantage to have a drone is the price and portability. On EBay you can find a small drone for 500 USD. The smallest version of this device works with GoPro cameras, this kind of cameras are a lot cheaper than professional cinema cameras and you can get stunning footage too. If you compare the final price of a drone with the price of renting a chopper plus a professional camera,  you save a lot of money.
A lot of filmmakers are working with drones, and they get amazing results. Once  the job it's done  they publish their footage on YouTube Or Vimeo.
This is a special selection of six beautiful places captured with drones machines.

The first one comes from Africa. The video shows a safari in the Serengeti. The drone allows shooting plenty of animals in wildlife. 

This shows the rhythm of London City. Also it contains slow motion scenes. 

If you don’t have been in New York City yet, you can see the streets and different building of this emblematic city.

AERIAL NYC - RANDY SCOTT SLAVIN - DJI PHANTOM from director. randy scott slavin on Vimeo.

The next video got a lot of adrenalin. The surfers ride a huge wave in Oahu, Hawaii.

Pipeline Winter 2013 from Eric Sterman on Vimeo.

Take a look of the ice caves in Alaska, a wonderful natural landscape.

Bigger Than Life - Ice Caves from Firefight Films on Vimeo.

The last video shows the Cornish coast, and gets over a half millions views

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

I love pizza

Choose just one kind of food it’s not easy to do. There are a lot of different dishes in the gastronomic world, but if I must pick one I would say pizza is my favourite.

I like it because it’s very easy to prepare, taste good and you can share it with your friends in many situations, like a party, after work, etc. Also it’s easy to store, just cover it with a plastic foil, put it in the refrigerator and you have pizza for many days.

There are different recipes to prepare pizza, but I prefer the Italian one. Now I going to tell you how I prepare pizza. First thing is buying the ingredients, you´ll need the dough, cheese, tomatoes, tomato sauce, ham, and olives. Then you must cover the dough with the tomato sauce; apply the slices of ham, and over the ham put the cheese. After that cut the tomato and put it on the ham. You can add olives as a final touch.

Put the pizza into the oven and wait about twenty minutes. Now you can enjoy a wonderful pizza.

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

My Dream Job? It´s complicated

Answer the question “what is you dream job?” it’s a little bit complicated for me. As  the years go passing by I have changed my preferences many times. I think that the perfect job for me depends of what is in my mind, at the moment.

It’s true, I’m studying journalism, but I don’t want to be a reporter who works in a newspaper and write all day long, I don´t like writing so much. A few years ago I wanted to be musician, guitar player, to be specific, but I changed my mind. I still like playing guitar, but not so much recently.

…And what is in my mind now? Well about a year ago I started taking photos, and I liked it, it was like  discover a whole new world to me. Then I started to research about making videos with my DSLR camera and I like it too. Now I have a project with a couple of friends, mount a video producer company.

So for now I want to work making videos, maybe doing movies, telling stories to people, who knows, maybe it works.

miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014

Russia a great place to visit

I want to travel to Russia. The main reason to visit that country is because it's the largest one in the  world.  Also Russia has a lot of architectural places; like the red square, located in Moscow. That is the main square in Russia. Next to the Red Square is the Saint Basil’s Cathedral , a colorful church. The building was finished  in 1561 and now its a museum.  The  Moscow’s  subway  is wonderful too.

That country has an important history too. In 1917 started the Russian Revolution headed by Lenin against the tsarist autocracy  and then the Soviet Union was born, untill its finished in 1990. Another interesting  fact is they put the first man into outer space.

I want to visit the natural landscapes of Russia, a big territory allow different geographic zones. The Ural Mountains are an attractive place to practice climbing.
And finally The National Russian Anthem is the most powerful and energic in the world, in my personal opinion. So if you want to know a different country I suggest you Russia because is cool.